Wednesday 28 February 2024

What Are My Rights When Dealing with the Police?


When police stop you, it doesn’t always mean that they are arresting or detaining you. Whether you are being detained depends on the immediate and surrounding circumstances of the stop.

The police can stop you while you are driving in a motor vehicle. This can either be to check for driver or vehicle fitness or if the police have reasonable grounds to believe that you involved have been in a criminal offence. If you are driving through a Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) check, expect them to question and potentially stop you for a roadside blood alcohol screening read more here

Sunday 25 February 2024

Understanding Your Right to Speak With a Lawyer After You Are Arrested


Legal Rights

Arrests can be overwhelming and intimidating experiences. Knowing your rights is crucial whether you are facing a minor offence or a serious criminal charge. One fundamental right that everyone should be aware of is the right to speak with a lawyer after you are arrested. In this article, we will explore this essential legal right, its significance, and how it can protect your interests during the legal process read more here

Sunday 11 February 2024

Protecting Your Privacy: When Can Police Enter Your Home?


In a society that values privacy and personal space, the sanctity of one’s home is paramount. But what happens when the police come knocking at your door? Understanding when and under what circumstances law enforcement can enter your home is essential knowledge for every citizen. This article will delve into the legal framework surrounding when police can enter your home in Canada, providing the information you need to protect your rights read more here

Friday 2 February 2024

Understanding the Consequences of a Fail to Appear in Court Charge


Failure to appear

Have you ever wondered what could happen if you fail to appear in court when required? A Fail-to-appear-in-court Court Charge, often abbreviated as “FTA,” is a serious legal matter with significant consequences. In this article, we will delve into the details of this charge, exploring what it means, why it’s crucial to take it seriously, and what you should do if you find yourself facing such a situation. At RGZ Law in Toronto, we understand the complexities of the Canadian legal system, and we’re here to guide you through the intricacies of a Fail to Appear charge read more here

Thursday 1 February 2024

Finding the Best Criminal Lawyer


Are you in a situation where you require the services of a criminal lawyer? The importance of choosing the right attorney cannot be overstated. Your freedom, reputation, and future are on the line, and the outcome of your case largely depends on the skills and expertise of your legal representation. Finding the right criminal lawyer is not just a matter of luck; it requires careful consideration and research. In this article, we will guide you through finding the right criminal lawyer to defend your case and secure the best possible outcome read more here