Thursday, 12 September 2019

Is a Criminal Lawyer Providing Legal Help or Doing you a Favor

The question of whether a lawyer in a country's legal system provides legal assistance or whether he comes for a service has been actualized. The same drafts, among other things, state that the price list of legal services should be eliminated in order to be enabled by competition for the provision of legal services. Make sure to find the best criminal lawyer in brampton.

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However, market competition is what has to distinguish the service, and what is important here is the question of what the bar essentially protects, that is, whether it primarily participates in the economy or whether its role, as defined by the Trust's Code of Professional Ethics, is that of a lawyer In a society based on the rule of law, it has a high degree of professional responsibility, and it stems from the obligation for the lawyer to devote his knowledge and skills equally to clients and to the interests of law and justice. Thus, the lawyer is a participant in the state's legal system.

The service provider, on the other hand, is a servicer who has to invest in his own marketing, because he faces competition and participates in the economy of the country.
According to the Code of Professional Ethics, a lawyer must not publicly praise his or her knowledge or ability or advertise. The violation of this prohibition is especially if the lawyer points out, shares or in the public media, in electronic presentation and in other publications publish announcements offering his services, or when he allows such offers to be placed in advertisements and advertising material of other legal or natural persons, as well as when arranging or using the services of intermediaries, agents or third parties who advertise it, and in particular when arranging for the referral of clients with persons in custody or in prison and persons employed by the police, court, prosecution, administration and other authorities, and when giving to another, his or her business card or letter of attorney for further distribution to potential clients and when marking the office, its printed material and other features (whiteboard, stamp, memorandum, business cards) in an overly conspicuous and immeasurable manner and when giving legal advice in the media, at public meetings, or outside the office in front of strangers and when asked to be listed, address books, catalogs, guides and similar manuals as an exceptional lawyer or within the group of exceptional attorneys or when presenting in a sensational or self-praising manner their objects, abilities and successes in public.

In line with the foregoing, the question arises as to how one lawyer might become involved in a market match, if he is faithful to ethical rules.
Also, a very important question arises, which the writer of the mentioned action plans sees as a legal provider, as stated in the services. Namely, the Constitution stipulates that legal aid is provided by a lawyer primarily because of its independence.

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